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2500 CLDA Bible course requests filled in January 2023

Prison ministry: 

  • The CLDA mailbox continues to receive letters from inmates requesting the Bible correspondence course. Hundreds of inmates in Canada ...........

Chick-fil-A and the Lord’s Day

Chick-fil-A and the Lord’s Day

Chick-fil-A continu...........

Video and Article

Interview with Former Inmate Blessed By Diary

Hope for the Hopeless

A Powerful Illustration of Why this Outreach needs Support

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Spanish Diary - Now Available

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**New** Bookmarks

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For the Sanctity of His Day and Extension of His Kingdom

Previous generations of Canadians kept the first day of the week as the Lord's Day.  Shortly after the Lord’s Day Act was over-turned by the Canadian Supreme Court in 1985, the Canadian Lord’s Day Association was founded for the purpose of “preserving the sanctity of the Lord’s Day and for the extension of His kingdom”.  

In 1986 our non-denominational organization was organized as an ongoing Christian witness to the Lord's Day in Canada.  Since Canada's earliest days organizations such as the The Lord's Day Observance Society(UK), The Sabbath Reformation Society(Kingston) and the Lord's Day Alliance of Canada (1882-1982)  have been a faithful voice promoting the sanctity of the Lord's Day.  



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53366 Wilford Road, Wellandport, ON L0R2J0

The Canadian Lord’s Days Association - For the Purpose of Preserving the Sanctity of the Lord’s Day. Canadian Charity Registration Number: 887423234RR0001


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